


Opening Hours

Mon - Thu: 9AM - 6PM

​Integrative Mind/Body Health Coaching

Dr. Rossman is available for private mind/body health coaching sessions by phone, Zoom, or Facetime. During these sessions, he will help you learn mind/body/spirit skills that you can use to support your innate healing abilities whatever your issues.

Dr Martin Rossman Marin Integrative Medicine and Acupuncture Testimonials

An internationally respected authority on mind/body healing, Dr. Rossman will personally guide you in choosing and using relaxation and guided imagery processes most appropriate for you and your situation. For more information about mind/body techniques and Interactive Guided Imagery see Dr. Rossman’s self-care website The Healing Mind.

If you are interested in Integrative Mind/Body Health Coaching with Dr. Rossman, download our Coaching Agreement here and fax back to us at (415) 925-8604.

Fee: The initial consultation is a 60 minute appointment and the fee is $450, payable prior to your consultation. Follow-up coaching fees are $450 per 1 hour appointment,  and $225 for half-hour sessions when suitable. Because there is no diagnosis made or medical treatment given, coaching fees are not insurance billable or reimbursable. Please consult your tax advisor to see if they are suitable for reimbursement from an HSA or FSA account.

Scheduling and cancellations: Please call 415-925-8600 to schedule your coaching appointment. Cancellation with 24 hours or more notice will not be charged. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged full fee unless we can fill that appointment time.

Disclaimer: These coaching sessions by phone, Zoom, or other  telecommunication methods are not medical visits and no diagnoses are made or treatment prescribed. Dr. Rossman cannot assume clinical care for patients who are not seen in person, nor can he write prescriptions or assume responsibility for your decisions. Please retain a primary care provider in your area for examinations, clinical care, diagnostic tests, prescriptions, referrals, and other medical services.

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