


Opening Hours

Mon - Thu: 9AM - 6PM

​An Integrative Approach to Acupuncture

I’m a rare combination of MD and acupuncturist. An early adopter of acupuncture in my practice, I introduced acupuncture to Marin’s medical community in 1972. Since that time, I have treated over 10,000 patients and done over 100,000 treatments, including adults and children.

Dr Martin Rossman Acupuncture Treatments Marin Integrative Medicine

My approach to acupuncture is eclectic, using the best of what I have learned from many teachers.  I have studied Eight Principles (TCM), Ryodoraku​ (a technical Japanese form), Auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture), and 5-Elements Acupuncture with the renowned British master, Professor J.R. Worsley. 


Needle-Free Acupuncture Treatment

I helped pioneer the use of needle-free acupuncture, publishing a research paper on using ultrasound to stimulate acupoints in 1974. I often use low-level laser in infants and children, and people who don’t prefer or tolerate needles, and that makes it entirely free of even nuisance discomfort.

Needle Free Acupuncture


What to Expect from an Acupuncture Treatment

After a thorough history and examination from a western  medical perspective,  I’ll look at your tongue, and take your  pulses in the Chinese medicine manner on both wrists.

As you relax comfortably on the treatment table, I’ll usually treat 2 to 8 points, either with needles, pressure, or low-intensity laser. The needles are sterile, stainless steel, disposable (never used on anyone else), and just thicker than a hair. As you breathe out I’ll tap each needle under the skin (usually feels like a bug bite or less), then stimulate the acupuncture point beneath. You may feel a pleasant tingling, numbing, or warming feeling. Within a few minutes you’ll start to feel a pleasant sense of relaxation in your body as the treatment starts to work.

What to Expect from an Acupuncture Treatment

Afterwards, you’ll likely be relaxed, sometimes even temporarily sedated. It’s best to plan to just take it easy after a treatment if possible, walk, stretch, and stay hydrated, Plan on skipping alcohol, a hot tub, bath or steam that day, and don’t plan an exhausting workout afterwards.

You may find that you sleep unusually well and feel better the next day or the day after that.
With a chronic problem, symptom relief tends to be brief at first, lasting only a few hours or days, but as we reinforce the treatment effects, we aim to get longer and longer periods of feeling better.


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