COVID-19 Update

As you know, our knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic is changing day to day and hour to hour. Recent changes have affected all medical practices in California, including mine, and I have made some decisions about the best way to move forward. Please click here for the pertinent COVID-19 update and how we are responding to this crisis.

We will update this information as the situation changes. To be kept informed, send us an email at and we will update you through our e-newsletter.

Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine is whole-person medicine. We will examine your health issues using western and eastern approaches, along with nutritional medicine and mind/body medicine, to guide you efficiently through the many integrative medicine choices and options available.



I’m a rare combination of MD and acupuncturist. An early adopter of acupuncture in my practice, I introduced acupuncture to Marin’s medical community in 1972. Since that time, I have treated over 10,000 patients and done over 100,000 treatments, including adults and children.

Mind/Body Medicine

Mind/Body Medicine

Mind/Body Medicine is the practice of using the mind to move the body toward better health. At the Academy for Guided Imagery, the institute I co-founded and led for 15 years, I taught over 10,000 doctors, nurses, and therapists to utilize the powerful form of mind/body therapy called Interactive Guided Imagery.

Your Partner In Healing

The Best Medical Care Possible

About Dr. Marty

I have been a Medical Doctor and an Acupuncturist for over four decades. I have worked with, learned from, and taught many of the major thought leaders in the holistic medicine field, and I bring the top level of expertise to every patient I see. As a long-time Marin physician and Clinical Faculty member at UCSF, I can also connect you with the best referrals, if you need additional specialty expertise.

• University of Michigan M.D.
• University of California, Clinical Faculty 1985 - Present
• Founding Board member, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
• National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

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I look forward to working with you to help you improve your heath and find what helps you heal

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